past tense — n a form of a verb that shows that something happened or existed before the present time, typically a form such as walked , as in I walked away … Dictionary of contemporary English
past tense, the — noun LINGUISTICS the form of a verb used to express what existed or happened in the past, for example lived in the sentence We lived in France until I was 7 … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Past tense — The past tense is a verb tense expressing action, activity, state or being in the past of the current moment (in an absolute tense system), or prior to some other event, whether that is past, present, or future (in a relative tense system).#… … Wikipedia
Past Tense — Die Englische Grammatik ist die Grammatik der englischen Sprache. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Satzbau 2 Wortarten 2.1 Substantive (Nouns) 2.1.1 Numerus 2.1.2 Genera … Deutsch Wikipedia
past tense — noun a verb tense that expresses actions or states in the past • Syn: ↑past • Hypernyms: ↑tense • Hyponyms: ↑preterit, ↑preterite * * * noun : a verb tense expressing action or state in or as if in the … Useful english dictionary
past tense — noun a) Past tense is the form of language used to refer to an event, transaction, or occurrence that did happen or has happened, or an object that existed, at a point in time before now. Compare with present tense, which refers to an event,… … Wiktionary
ˌpast ˈtense, the — noun [singular] linguistics the form of a verb that is used for expressing what existed or happened in the past, for example ‘lived in the sentence ‘We lived in France until I was seven … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
ring (past tense rang) — ring1 (past tense rang [ ræŋ ] ; past participle rung [ rʌŋ ] ) verb *** 1. ) transitive to make a bell produce a sound: He rang the doorbell. a ) intransitive if a bell rings, it produces a sound: A bell rang and the children trooped back into… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
simple past tense — noun Grammar the form of the past tense which signifies an action which has occurred and has been completed in the past, as in He cooked dinner contrasted with He has been cooking dinner …
(the) past tense — the past tense UK US noun linguistics the form of a verb used to express what existed or happened in the past, for example ‘lived’ in the sentence ‘We lived in France until I was 7’. Thesaurus: verb forms and tenseshyponym … Useful english dictionary
past — /past / (say pahst) verb 1. Rare past participle and occasional past tense of pass. –adjective 2. gone by in time. 3. belonging to, or having existed or occurred in time previous to this. 4. gone by just before the present time; just passed: the… …